Beaux-Arts de Paris

Artist’s Note

This exhibition and its themes showcase concepts such as chance and its possibilities, as well as the passage of time, because nothing remains still. Life is a big ride!

This work is a book on which I draw when I have a lot of time, mainly during holidays, especially summer holidays. To draw, I like to walk outside, explore, and then settle down. The goal is to translate what I see according to my mindset and the time I have for drawing.

This sketchbook doesn’t depict a particular place, even though it is partly created where I come from, which is in the south of France (Northern Catalonia and Languedoc). It simply captures places I have drawn and will draw because it is not finished yet!

I consider this book both an endpoint and a journey. Transcribing reality in this way allows me to think broadly, progress in this medium, and gather raw material for the pictures and projects I will produce in the studio.