Kiek Tessel NIEUWINT

Beaux-Arts de Paris

Artist’s Note

My pencils wander on a space size 120 x 100 m, they get lost in past forms/thoughts and then return to the surface; sometimes I snooze for two hours because my curiosity for the strange, rapid morning-dreams takes over my will to wake up.

By superimposing multiple drawing styles, each one connected to a certain period in my life, I trace a map of my own past creative experiences. By layering them, certain gestures become more visible than others, like memories in time. Last year I kept with me a sketchbook, that I’d mostly draw in when on the move; during travels, in public transport, not at “home”; ways to grasp the ephemeral landscape and to process the change between places. In a literal sense as well as in the realm of atmosphere, dreams and memories. What does it mean to leave one place behind, your relation to it - the time in between - and the arrival in a “new” area? Through digging in the ground under our feet and by analyzing the rings of trees, we’re able to collect valuable information about the past. The subterranean world quite literally sustains us, but also invites us to imagine the unknown. To wander among layers is to seek for information, but what kind is unknown to us before we find it.